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  Kidame Mart Response  

As COVID-19 spreads, rural communities in Ethiopia have too few resources to protect themselves making them extremely vulnerable. This affects all Kidame Mart female entrepreneurs and customers. Kidame Mart conducts routine internal surveys to determine the 80 rural villages' readiness to protect themselves against COVID-19. All 80 locations reported limited access to essential protective materials (hand sanitizers, gloves and masks) and information regarding COVID-19. To help contain the pandemic, personal hygiene including hand washing, disinfecting surfaces and using clean water to drink and cook is crucial.


It is vital that Ethiopian rural communities have access to prevention materials and information on how to protect themselves against the virus. It is especially important to take all measures to keep rural communities healthy as Ethiopia only has 2 ventilators and 32 ICU beds per one million people and rural Ethiopians face heightened challenges in accessing healthcare. As the largest last-mile distribution network, KM can reach 1 million rural vulnerable Ethiopians through its network of 2,000 agents across 8 regions in 80 rural villages. While COVID-19 presents a challenge for KM, it also presents an opportunity to use the agent network to slow/stop the spread of COVID-19 to 1 million rural Ethiopians as well as reduce the economic social hardship of rural communities.

  KM is urgently seeking additional funding for COVID-19 response to protect the 2,000 female entrepreneurs and 1 million rural consumers to "flatten the curve.” While KM partners have been helpful in supporting the initial response, Kidame Mart is seeking further support to deliver an information campaign where agents will deliver the 7 Steps to Combat COVID-19, Proper Hand Washing Technique, and Procedure if Feeling Sick when making deliveries to their rural customers. In addition, Kidame Mart needs support in supplying every agent with necessary protective materials ensuring they receive new masks, gloves, and hand sanitizer each month at least until the end of Ethiopia's State of Emergency."  
  Kidame Mart featured in France24 segment covering rural Ethiopia's response to COVID-19  
  ***Kidame Mart does not support or associate with organizations involved in modern slavery***  